Unrivaled quality
Our technologies enable the reproduction of executives up to 175 lpi in ultra-high definition with incredible highlights, within a customized customer relationship path
Customer service
Their team of professionals is always ready to listen and respond to customers' needs, providing timely and effective solutions. This level of attention to detail reflects Inciflex's entire ethos, putting the customer at the center.
Complete automation in the preparation of ULTRA LED 2 plates
The digital flexo department stands out for the high level of innovation in the equipment used to create high-definition packaging on plastic films, ensuring excellent results in terms of quality, reduced production times, and repeatability of the outcome

Enter the world of Inciflex

Our 30-year experience in pre-press for flexible packaging, thanks to founders Carmine Consalvo and his son Vincenzo and our highly skilled team, guarantees you personalized, innovative, and high-quality solutions. Inci-flex Group: ‘where experience meets innovation’
Gruppo Inci-Flex Srl
Fisciano (SA) Via Mandrizzo, 2 +39 089 8299711 Trezzano sul Naviglio (MI) Via Cilea, 14 +39 02 82786045 Maltignano (AP) Via Bonifica, 26 +39 0736 618021 Concorezzo (MB) Via dell’Artigianato , 21 +39 039 2285481 |